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Husky Sloper 45 l - blue A highly functional mid-size backpack that straddles the line between expedition and hiking backpack. The Sloper is perfect for weekend adventures in the great outdoors, for example. Husky Sloper 45 l - blue
5.00 1
99,00 € 79,20 € Save 20 %
Husky Scape 38 l - blue A very practical and lightweight backpack that is available in two pleasant colours. Also in this case, the use of modern construction and quality materials that make it comfortable and resistant to external influences is a matter of course. Husky Scape 38 l -  blue 89,00 € 71,20 € Save 20 %
Husky Scape 38 l - green A very practical and lightweight backpack that is available in two pleasant colours. Also in this case, the use of modern construction and quality materials that make it comfortable and resistant to external influences is a matter of course. Husky Scape 38 l -  green 89,00 € 71,20 € Save 20 %
Grivel Radical Light 21 Minimalist and very lightweight backpack designed for climbing and fast ascents in the mountains. Grivel Radical Light 21 98,90 € 69,23 € Save 30 %
Backpack Camp Outback 20l - blue The Outback 20 is a very lightweight, compact and versatile backpack especially suitable for quick trips, skiing and cycling. The 20l main compartment is easily accessed by a perimeter zipper, which provides a wide enough entry to neatly organize your belongings. Backpack Camp Outback 20l - blue 107,90 € 54,00 € Save 50 %
Backpack Camp Outback 20l - lime The Outback 20 is a very lightweight, compact and versatile backpack especially suitable for quick trips, skiing and cycling. The 20l main compartment is easily accessed by a perimeter zipper, which provides a wide enough entry to neatly organize your belongings. Backpack Camp Outback 20l - lime 107,90 € 97,10 € Save 10 %

Hiking backpacks

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Millet UBIC 40

Millet UBIC 40

Usually ships in: In stock
155,00 € 139,50 € Save 10 %
Millet HIKER AIR 30

Millet HIKER AIR 30

Usually ships in: In stock
170,00 € 153,00 € Save 10 %
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Hiking backpacks

Turistické batohy - naši pomocníci na horách. Turistický batoh je nevyhnutný pomocník na turistické prechody, na hory, na lezenie na skaly, na športové výkony, na vychádzky do prírody.
Vybrali sme pre teba turistické batohy od overených výrobcov. Turistické batohy Deuter, Turistické batohy Mammut, Turistické batohy Ferrino, Turistické batohy Camp, Turistické batohy Husky overené rokmi skúseností a množstvom spokojných uživateľov.
Charakteristka kvalitného turistického batohu: prepracované chrbtové sytémy, doplnené pláštenkou na ochranu pred dažďom, uchýtmi na cepíny, úchytmi na trekové palice, vrchné materiály s kvalitným prevedením použitých materiálov vyznačujúcich sa pevnosťou a odolnosťou pri náročných požiadavkách kladených na športový a turistický batoh a ruksak. Vyberajte z našich kategórií:
Malé turistické batohy do 29 litrovStredné turistické batohy od 30 do 55 litrovVeľké turistické batohy od 55 do 90 litrovHydrovakyPláštenky na batohy.

Odporúčame ti ako vhodný doplnok ku každému batohu - pláštenka , alebo pri dlhších pobytoch na horách - lekárnička


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