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Rope Beal Opera 8.5mm Unicore 60m Dry Cover - Green

Product description

Ultralight climbing rope Beal Opera unicore 8,5mm Dry Cover with certification as single, half and double rope. Thanks to the impregnation variants, the rope is suitable for all outdoor applications, but its diameter makes it suitable only for very experienced climbers. With a weight of 48 g/m it is the lightest rope ever on the market with certification as a single rope. Opera is available in both Dry Cover and Golden Dry impregnation and is also available with Safe Control braid treatment (DC impregnation). All variants of Opera are equipped with UNICORE technology, which thanks to the connection of the core and the braid increases the safety and durability of the rope.

  • The thinnest single rope on the market
  • UNICORE technology
  • Dry Cover Impregnation
  • Certification as single, half and double rope
  • Excellent compromise of weight, handling and strength
  • Low impact force
  • Large number of intercepted falls
  • For very experienced climbers
  • Suitable for sport and extreme climbing in summer and winter

UNICORE ® technology
It represents a unique way of connecting the core and the braid of the rope without loss of pliability, while preserving all the dynamic properties of the rope. The result is greater safety and durability of BEAL climbing ropes.

How does UNICORE® work?
The braid of the rope can be cut or cut through, but it still remains firmly connected to the core, allowing the climber to rappel or ascend safely. When the braid is cut through the edge of a regular rope, which is often the case in the mountains, the braid is collapsed and the core is exposed to a range of several metres. It is then not possible to ascend or descend over this section of rope. A rope with such a damaged braid can be used only for emergency escape, but it is certainly not safe for further climbing. The UNICORE® technology completely prevents braid slippage and is exceptionally useful for alpine climbing in wet snow and ice, where the risk of braid slippage increases considerably.

What is DRY COVER technology
It is an impregnation of the rope braid, which significantly increases its resistance to abrasion and penetration of moisture or dirt. In the production of the rope, an impregnating solution is applied to each fibre of the braided yarn, followed by heating, which polymerises and forms a resistant layer protecting each fibre. These fibres then form a compact braid that increases the life of the rope.
Testing in a real environment showed that 100m of rope without impregnation, used in winter conditions, absorbs around 2.5 litres of water during the day. The same rope with Dry Cover impregnation absorbs five times less water in identical conditions, i.e. only 0.5 litres.



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Your price: 176,00 € 220,00 € Save 20 %
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Add marked offers, together with the Lano Beal Opera 8,5mm Unicore 60m Dry Cover - Green
Ohľadom tohto produktu ti poradí: Patrik 0917 225 882

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Dynamic ropes

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